Before we go on the journey to start engaging with our database and engaging with them to get more bums on seats… more appointment bookings and more people turning up to our appointments… there are two follow-up messages that I like to send first to make sure that we’re addressing the follow-up around people who are already booking their appointments.

And in fact, the two key times where we’re going to start following-up straight away when it comes to clinics and allied health – and making sure that your business is going to be better are:

1. When someone misses an appointment and

2. When someone cancels an appointment.

The thing that I find is that most clinics get a little bit overwhelmed. They get a little bit busy and they forget to do the follow-up process. Or they just leave it to one message or one follow-up from the receptionist.

The problem is, this doesn’t actually get the result that we need and get those people booking back in.

I have a little process that I recommend that I’m going to show you how to go and do now.

This process will not only get a little more out of this follow-up process, but also takes some of the time spent by your receptionist and it automates some of this process. That way they don’t have to think about it too much. It just happens automatically. And then any follow-up that they have to do happens automatically as well.

Watch this quick video below now, where I show you exactly how we can set this up in a campaign:

Then make sure you schedule time this week to set up automated campaigns for these follow-up messages.