You’re wasting your time and money marketing to new clients if you’re not doing these 3 things your clinic MUST do first.

After all, what’s the point of seeking new clients if you’re not yet maximizing the potential of your existing client base?

In this quick video, Jason Buckner dives into three fundamental steps that every clinic should implement to ensure you are getting the most out of their current clients.

Watch this quick video now for the three practical, easy-to-implement ways you can retain and engage your clients effectively:

Hi, it’s Jason Buckner here from ClinicKonnect. Now, I just want to reach out to you. I keep getting questions: Can you help me market my business?

Absolutely, I can help you market your business, but I’m not going to help you bring people into your clinic unless you’re doing the most to maximize on the people you have in your clinic already.

Maximizing Your Current Client Base

If you’ve got a thousand to 5,000 people in your Cliniko, or in your clinic app, whatever it is that you’re using, and you are not doing these things, then you’re doing yourself a disservice.

#1: Handling Canceled and Missed Appointments

Okay, the first one, my first tip to you is when someone cancels or when someone misses an appointment, we have an automatic follow-up campaign. Email, SMS, and then if they still don’t re-book, someone gets on the phone and gives them a call.

Now, I’ve talked about Bonjoro. That could be a Bonjoro by the last practitioner who they were booked in with to say, “Hey,” …hang on, let me get my trusty prop to say, “Hey, it’s Jason here. I noticed you’ve canceled, missed, whatever your appointment. Just click on the link below to book in again.”

Okay, super simple number one. So that’s on canceled and missed appointments.

#2: On-boarding New Clients

Now, the second thing that I need you to be doing is when someone new comes into your clinic, we need to run an on-boarding campaign so they know the physicality of the business, so they know what they’re coming into and what to expect.

They could potentially be new to your style of business completely, and we want to make them feel warm and welcome so that they actually come through. This is important for you if your stats are low on the show rate for new customers coming into the clinic. So find out those stats and then go from there.

#3: Maintaining a Regular Cycle

Okay, the next thing that I need you to do, so that was number two. Number three, I need you to make sure you’ve got your cycle. Yeah, so in your clinic, you’ll have a regular cycle of how often you want people to come into the clinic.

You know, for me, when I go and visit my osteopath, it’s every five weeks, and I start feeling a bit rough, so I know that I’ve got to go back in there, but I’m the converted.

What we need to do is have a follow-up campaign. If they don’t book in when they’re there with you, and that’s the most important thing to do, we follow up to make sure that after that, say, five-week cycle, they’re booking in.

That can be a follow-up campaign to make sure, in the last week coming up to those five weeks, that someone is booking in. And then if they don’t, someone gets a trigger to give them a call or someone gets a trigger to send them a Bonjoro to connect with them to make sure that they’re okay.

Once You’re Doing These # Things

Alright, so that was number three. We’ve got our canceled and missed. Then we’ve got our on-boarding. Then we’ve got our re-engagement to get people to re-engage. So, they’re the three first steps we take in any clinic to make sure we’re getting the most out of, or make sure we are doing the most for, the customers that are already in the clinic, already in the database.

And then we move on to the next stages in there, and we’ll talk through the next stages in our next video. How does that sound?

Focusing on these three key areas can dramatically improve your clinic’s performance and client satisfaction. By implementing automatic follow-ups for missed appointments, creating a seamless on-boarding process, and maintaining a consistent engagement cycle, you can ensure that your clients feel valued and are more likely to return.

And if you’d like to discover more about how we can help you implement these strategies in your business, click the button below today to book a free strategy session.